My view as a new player
Here are the challenges I faced as a new solo player in my area. Experiences very by location.
Player leveling-takes forever (keep this in back of head). Everything below gives you experience
Gyms-Dont bother learning everything you can about gyms. As a new player you are way behind the power curve in taking gyms and even leveling them. Tons of people are high level. Having a high level gives you access to stronger Pokémon to catch. The only battling in this game is done at gyms. How long does leveling take?
Finding Pokémon-I have none in my area and have to drive 30 minutes to go to spawn locations. My spawn locations are not really foot traffic friendly. So no getting out of the car for me because of safety reasons.
Catching Pokémon- Pokémon are not caught through battles. In short, you select a Pokémon that pops up on the screen and throw poke balls at it until you. Catch it or it runs. Battles become viable at gyms when you are high level.
Im sorry there is so much not right with the game. It stresses me to write about.Dont expect it to be like the game boy games. Read the negative reviews before positive. Dont force yourself to play the game if you happen to download and dont like. Right now hope for his game is expected at the end of this year. Crazy huh?
Stevenoq about
Pokémon GO, v1.27.4