This game has many errors and problems they need to change instead of making new updates. And its to the point where it is hard to get most of the new stuff cause there are so many of the others. This is the worst game I have played.
This game has many errors and problems they need to change instead of making new updates. And its to the point where it is hard to get most of the new stuff cause there are so many of the others. This is the worst game I have played.
Love this game. Wouldve loved it even more when I was little. Only problem is the distance tracking is just garbage. Its never even close to what Ive done. For example I took a 3 mile bike ride today, and it only tracked me as going 0.2km. Not exactly sure how miles convert to km but I know that number should be bigger than miles. (Shouldve been over 3 km that I got from that trip) This distance tracking is a huge problem when it comes to hatching eggs. Other than that though its a great game. Would also like to get rid of the feature where you can give berries to Pokémon even if youre not nearby. I feel like you should really have to go back to the gym. This just kind of takes out some of the.... realness; in the game. Would also love to stop capping people at 50 coins per Pokémon at a gym. After you reach that cap no one has any motivation to go back to the gym to try and keep it in there control. Last thing is I feel like there should be a meter somewhere that tells you how many gyms are in control by each team, just to kind of add to the competitive feel, to kind of give your team some pride or something. One last thing. In your recent update there seems to be a few errors. I have the wrong team leader appraising my Pokémon now. They still say the same things that my team leader says, but its not the right person.
HORRIBLE APP, wouldnt even let me freaking log in or sign up with a new account so the game is unplayable for me, Ill change to 5 stars when this is fixed because this seemed like a really good game until it WOULDNT LET ME PLAY!
Look the more and more i Notice i feel that the biggest project in the pokemon companies life is that they want to make pokemon a real life thing lets all show how great of fans we can be by growing the population and finally then the pokemon company will make this dream a REALITY!?
After grinding through months of gameplay I finally reached level 26. At which point the game actually starts getting fun because youre strong enough to compete in gym and raid battles. I turned the game on and my account had been overwritten and reset to level 1 !! Ive emailed and contacted niantic company and received no replies or help to regain my account. This is especially awful since I actually spent money on poke coins it appears I will never get back. This company doesnt respect the players just takes your money and deletes your account.
It give you a workout going back and forth
The gym is much worse than before. An extremely fun game, now its boring and monotonous. horrible. Im totally discouraged. Where is the star dust? The gyms are boring!!! The Boss Raides are Unfair
Getting lot of issues, not able to login server is always busy, hangs a lot
Spent really money on passes to play in a raid vs Lugia. 17 of us participated and 3 including myself did not get to capture Lugia either based off a frozen game or because of RNG. What type of crap is that? No one can say the capture rate is low if you have the majority of the players walking away with one and screwing the minority of players. Just another cash cow game... lost my business for sure...
You should start making different type gyms, So people could put like water gym fire Gym fighting gyms electric gyms normal gyms etc. Plus it will be really cool when you beat one of the gyms you get a water badge a fire badge and earth badge of ground badge rock type badger whatever
The legendary Pokémon are incredibly hard to beat. My grandma has tried so hard to get a legendary. After about 8 raids she hasnt got one. I was at level 23 when I got mine, she is on level 24 and still doesnt have one. Make it easier! Or we are quitting!?
Great game, although the raids, not so much. Ive been trying to do raid battles and have not come across one legendary that didnt destroy all of my Pokémon within 2 minutes. The legendaries had about zero damage. I feel that even if I did win a raid, it would be impossible to catch.
As soon as legendary raid went live I did an Articuno battle the first chance I got. I barely chipped a quarter of its health after 5 min. Even with 4 or 5 people, the maximum I ever see even any large parks thats not enough to even do a tier 4 raid much more tier 5. Legendary raids are sort of a joke for me a somewhat rural player. I can see 2 pokestops and a gym from my house, but nothing spawns better than the occasional jumpluff or rarer victribell. I have heard people say that when gen 3 is released the spawns will be over saturated and wholeheartedly agree, it will be to hard to find thaw Pokémon you are looking for, and the option to switch generations seems unreasonable so I thought about the nest migrations. What if sort of like the nest migrations the regions would migrate every week or so, so one week your entire town, egg pool, and raids would only be Pokémon found in a specific region. For example if your town was Kant you would have the original 151, but if you were Alola you would have magikarp, the aloan variants of meowth, grimer, raichu, then corsola, snorunt, and all the other Pokémon you can find in the core series sun and moon. If more generations are released this is how I think it will happen
I tried to play this game and the first day I come back I cant catch any pokemon and I cant get any items from any of the pokestops and I cant join any raids. Fix this! This is annoying.
Its a great game just somethings could use fixing Adding and updating. First fix the speed cap, I cant run at all or I dont get at distance, second make a friends list or something where you could gift, chat and trade Pokémon with people from people of ANY group, third do something about the spawns I live on a isolated farm, nothing spawns anywhere within 10 Miles of my house, or 200 acre farm !(and yes I do have cell service) But besides those it really is a great game keep up the good work Niantic! =)
I really enjoy this game. I have had it ever since it came out and am starting to enhance my Pokémon. The only problems are have are that 1. Some places just dont have enough Pokémon, 2. You cant ride bikes to hatch eggs anymore, and 3. It isnt a very rewarding game sometimes. I have gotten unlucky a lot with my 10k eggs and after the double everything event ended, the bad things really showed. I think they need to reduce the distance needed to earn candy for your Pokémon buddy, and give you 2 candy for a transfer. It is a very fun game overall and I definitely recommend getting it
Its really irritating how some people have 9-13 of EACH legendary and Ive done the same amount of raids and literally have just one Articuno. Its getting to the point that I just want to quit playing again.
Really good game that has me get outside more but where I am there is not much Pokémon or poke stops, but that just gives me more confidence to go to certain places with wifi that I can use (I have an iPod) and plz bring getting incense at a poke stop because one day (EDIT) make free poke balls instead of just a poke stop
0-7 for Lugia while my friend is 9-13. Thanks for screwing instinct on this one and not letting us change teams. I give this game 0 out of 7 stars, would rather play with my alarm clock app at this point.