Pokémon GO App Reviews

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Trading please!!

This app is fantastic. I love playing, even a year after it was release. One thing though, trading NEEDS to be added. How am I supposed to complete my pokedex if I cant get regional exclusives from other countries. I cant even get my own regional exclusive pokemon!

Getting pretty tired

Im getting pretty tired of getting the same exact poke item after my 7th day hit!! Ive gotten 5 kings rock back to back to back! Can you guys fix this terrible problem!?!

I like it buuuuuut...

Sup Niantic. So I love your game to bits and pieces but I live in Arizona where in the summer its about 200 degrees everyday. So Im not able to walk around AT ALL because its so gosh darn hot outside! So all Im asking is that you take off the speed limit so us Arizona players can actually enjoy playing the game without having to physically walk in the heat.

Pokémon GYM coins!!

Gym coins are horrible you should get more than 50 a day. If you have a crap load of gyms taken over, and you worked hard you deserve to get all the coins for the time they are in. So once they come back you should get the 50 for that hour, and if its been two days then a limit should be per Pokémon. So say one Pokémon is in a gym, that Pokémon should be limited to so much a day once its returned, but it there shouldnt be a limit on all per day. You should be able to get 50 per Pokémon in each gym a day. So for ex. If I have 3 Pokémon in a gym for one hour its 150 coins, so if 1 Pokémon is in a gym for a whole day the max coins should be like 50 to 100 per Pokémon so we arent losing our effort, and time on gyms.

Unable to authenticate

Title says it all

Good Game

Its a very good game even if its nothing like the Pokémon series. Its additive and gets you outside. I mean, I visited places I never knew were a thing in my town because of Pokémon GO. Theres a few bugs with the nearby list, but overall its a five star game. :)

Great but has few bugs

The game glitches when to many people are playing in a group

Your update was a lie

My Pokémon motivation levels were doing just fine before the update. But this update states it would "fix" that problem. It didnt fix anything but just created a problem. Now my Pokémon are losing 1 HP by the second. Very disappointed that now holding gyms will be more of a challenge. Never trusting the words on future updates again..


I have so much fun with this game

Getting worse

I wanna love this game so badly, I really wish I could say its awesome and perfect! But its not, and thats the issue. The one thing that really bothers me is the catching aspect. Its gotten so difficult to catch a level 700 pokemon with an ultra ball and a berry. Its impossible! I havent been able to do this once since the last update, please ensure the way that this is set up is fixed, or at least make it possible

7 day streak

we need RAID passes! not evolution items!! and we should be able to take back our raid pass if we accidentally used it and didnt even battle because no one showed up or couldnt make it in the group! thats no fair that the raid pass gets used even though we didnt even battle or have a chance to battle!

So addicting!!!!!???

When I play, everything is so fun! Feels so exciting when I catch a Pokémon! By Janey cat lover ❤️?


It is way too hard to catch legendary Pokemon. Ive tried over and over again and they always run away. Hard enough finding enough players to even get a chance to catch one just to leave empty handed. Fix it

iPhone 4s iOS 9.3.5

What about iPhone 4s iOS 9.3.5 each time I open the app it keeps crashing and close are you going to fix it or not. I found the problem of what caused Pokemon go to crash on iPhone 4s iOS 9.3.5 when you enable location it crashes when you open app but if you disable it, it works fine so are you going to fix gps of Pokemon go so the game could work without crashing or are you not going to fix it

The app is not working after recent update

It does not let me play. It automatically closes when ever I open the app... Great work as always Niantic, really great work...

Still buggy

Still buggy. Sometimes when I open the app, nothing shows up on the map. Using the latest iOS on iPhone7+. AppleWatch needs improve the for notifications. Nothing was showing on my Apple Watch for notifications.

Cant log in under new update

This game is crumbling with every update. About to stop playing because of this!

Pokémon go

The buddys should run beside you

Can we speed things up?

I dont need to see the evolution of a weedle every time! Once we evolve a Pokémon there should be a function to turn off the evolution cut scene. Id prefer to play more and spend more Pokécoins!!!

Great game...for the city

Not enough battle mechanics. Prestiging is gone and gyms are WAY too easy. Why cant ALL raids be soloable? Ive seen several legendary raids with NOBODY around. My guess is I wont get a single legendary. 1 star from me until rural areas are accounted for. With a job and a family, I dont have time or energy to drive an hour to a major city for raids

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