Pokémon GO App Reviews

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This beeping

Please stop with the beeping noise

Pretty good

10/10 would 2016 again

Fix Tracking Please!

Played the game since day 1 went through everything, this app has gone backwards from the state it was released in, still no working tracker(for rural players) still no battling still no trading. Niantic refuses to listen to players wants and needs and they continue to stroll on thinking they can do whatever they want. Until they make some major changes to the game I am done. I cant deal with this nonsense, cant play in a car riding anywhere, cant find anything, and you continue to ignore us. 0/5 Ps Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker. If you had a working one maybe the game would be okay.... Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker but nooooo why would we have a working tracker to find Pokémon why would that make sense? Lets just let people randomly wander into areas. And go to landmarks after hours only because youre not supposed to be there, youre logic is not there niantic having a pokestop tracker solves nothing especially when youre in an area without many, or just having one.... its ridiculous its like hey do you live in a city? Cool we got you. Awe you dont? Sorry this game isnt for you. Like for real this game is so broken for people who live in areas where there are minimal stops and spawns like why? Just give us a working tracker thats it all Ive wanted since week 2 was to bring back the FOOTSTEPS!!!!!

Crashes constantly

Love the content, but seriously the app crashes like every 30 minutes and its been like this for 3 months. Im amazed that this hasnt been addressed, do you actually have an IOS developer on staff??

You MUST to drive to play effectively

Level 35. Been a long, tedious journey but here I am still playing loyally BECAUSE of the investment in time & DOLLARS Ive put in... pulling into parking lots for pokestops & being questioned & suspicioned by bystanders & cops, explaining to them "Im only playing Pokémon go!" There is no way to play this game without DRIVING past enough pokestops to collect enough pokeballs often enough to play this game effectively. We cant just go to the same parks & walk through the same 2 or 3 pokestops repeatedly & be able to effectively play this game trying to catch a programmed 137 CP NASTY Pikachu that jumps out of 5 berries, 4 pokeballs, 3 great balls, 1 ultra ball & then runs away. There is NO WAY to collect enough pokeballs to keep up without driving by pokestops to collect. AT LEAST LOWER THE TIME THE POKESTOPS REPAY. We cant pull over where many of these stops are located in the middle of the day in the midst of traffic. This game is a major investment in time & gasoline. We tend to creep around at night to visit these places when there is no traffic. Ive had WAY too many run-ins with police & Ive had minor accidents (plural), & now a citation. Maybe you SELL pokeballs this way, but this has TRULY become NOT a fun game. Then NASTY Pokémon steal your balls as often as they do, and to regard the time one invests to drive out to distant Pokestops or pay money for balls? Niantic programmers believe theyre HELPING for less car accidents. no no no... theyre actually CAUSING MANY MORE accidents as traffic stops & slows & piles up & people creep around trying to travel under 20 MPH. Same ol same ol... I guess we gotta burn out sometime right? SAME POKÉMON on every gym. Let me guess... Dragonite? Rhydon? Of course. Make gyms value OTHER Pokémon to defend them using IV rating or something else. Let us battle our friends somehow... I want to see my other Pokémon defend gyms! But limited CP Pokémon get the bottom of Gyms & are booted out quickly. I wanna battle more, but I gotta go drive to the same old churches. lame :/ Sorry guys. Im devoted. But I rate ONE star for lack of creativity to fix these issues & keep the game exciting for players at high levels; Also for the greed. I feel like if I was on the creative team, I could do better with my empathy for having played this game as seriously as I have for as long as I have. Im sincerely upset with my investment in money & time. I cant imagine what Ive spent on this app. 8-Ball Pool would NEVER steal this way from me. Very addictive & awesome concept; very greedy company the way they play. ONE STAR.

Another worthless release

Until the following issues are fixed, this game gets zero stars: 1.) Fix/remove the speed limit 2.) Improve the tracking system 3.) Fix the constant crashes 4.) Add offline/non-walking gameplay In this update there is a minor change to the medal screen and the store layout changed a little. Apparently these useless updates were a higher priority than fixing any of the major issues with the game.

Boring Grinder

Id rather have my life than have to grind 24/7


The first 5 times my Pokémon tracker went blank and I got the message I was moving to fast, WHILE I WAS STANDING IN MY DRIVEWAY, I quit this game. Only reason I havent deleted it was so I could give a review. Im not going to lie, it was awesomely fun when it came out. But like all soon to be bad games, the developers had to tweak it in the wrong direction.


I have no words to describe how an awesome game can turn out to be such a bad game.

Game no longer works

Great fn update. The game doesnt even load. Might as well stop playing it


Good game overall with a few bugs, but niantic, PLEASE ALLOW PLAYERS TO CHANGE TEAMS !!!! To make the game more fun and to get players to go out with friends , they need to get on the same team. My family members are all on different teams and we cant go out and battle gyms together because we arent on the same team. LET PLAYERS CHANGE TEAMS

I love this game so much ?????

At first I didnt know what to do and my family helped me I slowly got better and now Im level 21 and I play this game when I can I even play it when I walk home from school yeah thats right I play it after school and now I have 4 Arcanines and 2 laprases its awsome anyway thats it for this review and we will all slowly become the very best that there ever was #Teammysticforlife


What happen to locations when we caught Pokémon in certain areas?

So addictive

I am a level 40 and I have been asked by Niantic to review the game and I am going to give my honest opinion. Its an amazing game super fun and has a great community based around it. In the future I believe if Niantic continues with their hard work in making this game better that it might surpass the popularity of games such as Minecraft and clash royale. Keep up the good job Niantic.


I could live with every issue Pokémon go has but the cheating. So many people cheat its nearly impossible to win playing fair. Yet Niantic does nothing to stop cheaters and does not ban them

Really..."The attack is his strongest feature"... Lol

Thanks for crunching all the numbers and giving us all the info condensed into six words.

Tip!! Get pakeballs when...

When you are a passenger. Open a pokestop before arriving to the actual spot ( when the poekstop is still pink). When you are at the exact distance where the pokestop should be on the map interact with it, even if its pink. ?

Watch app crashes too much

I was in the middle of a walk and had just over 2km of distance. Watch app crashed. Lost all progress. This happens ALL THE TIME. Please fix or, if the app is incompatible with Watch 1, please say so.

I need more Pokémon

I was recently in Florida and I caught, evolved, and hatched a lot of new Pokémon. Now that Im home, Im seeing the same old Pokémon. I was wondering if you can have less pidgys and rattattas and more of different Pokémon (I.e richu, porygon etc)

Player vs player battle or trade

Its time this is a fun game something to pass the time. Its time though let the players trade and battle each other outside of the gyms that would make this game better. Like when it was on game boy color for you 2000s kids google it. Those games were excellent tie those features to this and its an even better game.

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