You have to have a Pokémon club account to sign in and people who dont have that have to have their parents sign them up
You have to have a Pokémon club account to sign in and people who dont have that have to have their parents sign them up
50 coins, really? Even the old setup i would have had around 200 coins. Please fix this setup as theres no reward for continuing to hold a gym.
I Ive the game!! But the new coin system needs to get fixed! Ive had so many Pokémon defending gyms for a day or 2 and then when it gets defeated I dont get ANY coins!!!! Which really drives me nuts!!! Please fix this glitch!!!
This was fun, then forgotten, then fun again I really love it
I hate this game because it doesnt work on i pods and I dont have a iPhone
Can you please add that you can get pokestops from a long distance? Same thing with gyms. Its like a a raid battle is starting nearby! But then you tap on the gym and it says walk closer to interact with this gym so please fix this
The coin limit for gyms is ridiculously low. If you defend multiple gyms for multiple days you can still only get 50 when they come back. There still isnt trading a year after the game was released. It makes it impossible to get everything, especially regional exclusives.
Right now there seems to be an issue with receiving coins for being in a gym. I have had ten Pokémon assigned and received nothing since theyve been returned. ?
Raid Boss during first 2-3 days had wonderful IVs—91.1 to perfect 100. Now, coincidentally after Ive purchased PokéCoins after PokéCoins, all Ive been getting from Raid Boss are Pokémon with crappy IV—77 being the highest! Niantic is such a cheat. Why are these Pokémon so easily demotivated?? Motivation, considering our Pokémon werent attacked and lost battles, should stay up for 24 hours, at least. Our Pokémon arent weaklings! Spawns arent equal. Im in 2 Pokémon GO Facebook page, and people in the US get to post rare Pokémon catches (from Snorlax to Dragonite to Tyranitar) when theyre only at their HOMES. I have gone to and from approx 3 different cities in a day and all I get are the stupid birds and rodents. Also, I understand if we hatch Pokémon of IVs lower than 82 from 2km and 5km eggs, but we deserve so much more for having to hatch a 10km egg. Its insulting to be gifted with a Pokémon with 80 IV and/or below after honestly walking 10kms. WE DESERVE MORE.
Hi Niantic, I hope you read this review. I just want to say that I live in a suburban town in Berwick, Maine. I think that you would get a lot more people if you started putting more gyms and pokestops in places more rural or suburban. I know there may not be many landmarks but where I live there is no pokestops. I live next to a golf course. You could put a gym and a few pokestops all in the golf course area. There is a bar, a giant restaurant and then the golf course. I think it would be awesome if you started looking in suburban and rural areas and putting more gyms and pokestops so that the people that dont live right on a gym or a pokestop can play the game also.
Its kind of good but lots of bugs and lag i did lose 20 pounds so good to me and that you game for helping me but the gym is so laggy
First, it would be great if you allowed for users not using PTC to change their account e-mail. Many students used their college email, which are set to expire in the near future. A one time change would help these users keep their accounts and progress. Also theres been lots of errors at the Gym/Raid where the Pokémon disappears, or where it still takes significant damage after dodging an attack. Last, the bug where the Pokémon in the screen randomly disappear, along with those in the nearby/sightings list. It comes back after a while, but it happens enough that it gets in the way when Im about to click on a Pokémon.
This game would be really really fun if u could battle other players like actually Pokémon
I love this game but for some reason I cant get collect things at pokestops because I am in a car. Im 14 and I cant drive and stop at pokestops I would like that to be fixed thank you
Well Pokémon Go it would be great if you made my neighborhood a gym raid and a poke stop please Couse there is never a gym raid or poke stop within like 2 miles of my house so its really hard my hous address is 15 Elain Way San Rafael
This game has captured and lost my interest repeatedly. The newest update apparently removed all balls except poke balls. Did I get pokeballs for the great balls and ultra balls I had? Nope. Though I had about 50 between the two. The raid battles. Oh your 100 coin raid ticket is only good for one. All this game is, is trying to get people to spend money. This was a fantastic idea and its just gone downhill. Stealing my balls, really?
Apathetic support, rampant cheating, dull-repetitive core mechanics, bait-and-switch addiction gimmicks, mean-spirited community (to the point where players have threatened or enacted physical violence over the game) driven by bad design, this game is cancer. Avoid it.
Love the app super addicting, but in some places that have so many pokestops but other places that have like 1 and add more Pokémon please!
This is what we need and legendary Pokémon
Good game , why not if there is any free daily gift ,like some games , also why not we can explore the whole map and it will be nice to battle without going to the gym. It would be nice ?