Pokémon GO App Reviews

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Needs a new fix/update and features

Since the update with gyms not that long ago it seems like the gyms mess up a lot between "Errors" and cant take over the gyms that you defeat. The gyms needs updating and have an option for multiple people taking over a gym at one (that seems to cause the gyms to mess up right now). Also it would be great to get more chances at coins. Like more time you get for protecting a gym the more coins you get in the future (it will be max 50 coins but after you stay in the gyms for X-amount of time the coin value would increase by 10 or 15 coins). Same with taking over a gym except it stays the same for each gym battle (i.e. 5 coins for 1 person in a gym and goes to 45 coins if 6 people are in the gym). And maybe find coins at Poke stops which will be uncommon to find but you get max 5 coins. Also seems to be slow loading into the game and and freezes up every so often as of lately. And the character been bugging out like crazy (instead of standing still he/she starts running back and forth between a few block radius).

Raids and Gym freezes

I dont understand why there are so many bugs, it worked really well for me the first week of the update. Since then its frozen is 4 out of every 5 raids I try. Im furious at the waste of my raid passes. Im to the point where its more infuriating than fun. Enjoyed the raids but I will no longer be participating. My other complaint is the gyms wont let me battle the full set. It boots me out when I get to the second Pokémon. The whole thing is frustrating and makes me want to stop playing all together.

Doesnt go with the whole original Pokémon setup & is a data eater

I dont like "just" catching Pokémon without a fight like the original Pokémon... 2. Mom complained that I keep using up all the data... so I went with it and got rid of the app...


This game is without a doubt the best game in the App Store. It is awesome in so many different ways, and really pays tribute to the classic Pokémon games. However, I would LOVE to see: -Even more customizations for your character (including clothing items that you earn from leveling up) -Fixed gym system (one that does a bit better job rewarding and focuses more on making the player actually want their Pokémon to stay as opposed to wanting it out after reaching the 50 coin reward limit) -More items and power-ups -Gen 3 Pokémon added to the game, as well as legendarys and more shinys -More raids -Minor bug fixes (ideally when it comes to raids) Thanks so much, and keep up the great work Niantic!

Gyms....good and not so good

I like the format of the new gyms, but I HATE the way coins are earned! I cant earn more than 50 coins a day...no matter how many gyms Im on or how long my Pokémon have been there. Whats my incentive to conquer more than one gym at a time??


Nur noch cheater

could have been so good

useless company ruined what was one of the greatest ideas in the past few years

Not exciting anymore for long-time players

The game is still fun so it deserves a high rating, however its not exciting anymore for longtime players. Im definitely not playing as much as I used to. My original goal was to fill my Pokedex so hunting for new Pokemon and hatching eggs was fun. My husband and I would also drive to new parks and places to find Pokemon and battle gyms together. I initially invested some money to buy coins but with so many high CP Pokemon, I was easily staying in multiple gyms for days and collecting coins to buy incubators. Now, my Pokedex is almost full, eggs are not hatching anything new so theres no incentive to buy coins, theres no incentive to join multiple gyms b/c of the daily coin limit, and theres no incentive to power up your Pokemon since a) your CP doesnt matter in a gym since it goes by when you joined and b) since your coins dont accumulate, the idea now is to put something weak in a gym so you can get kicked out within the day. Since CP isnt really important, theres no incentive to get more stardust either (and therefore no reason to spend money on incubators to hatch eggs). So for me, Im just riding the game out until the next gen is released and enjoying my increased productivity with the rest of my life :)

Summer 2017 update kills battery

Like the game, but summer 2017 updates have crippled my battery even if i just open it for a few minutes. I think the new gyms are taking a lot out of it. Cannot play without risking my battery flatlining while out and without means to recharge for a while.

Figure out to earn coins

The new gym system is interesting. How long does my Pokémon stay in the gym to get 50coins when a new team take down the gym?? I figure out that in order to earn coins leave your Pokémon in the gym but dont feed berry. When they took down your gym you earn coins. Then take back your gym.

Great game besides the gyms

Only have three suggestions figure out how to make team instinct a real team seriously i have never seen a gym above level 5 that was instinct, second tracking with the footsteps i think should be brought back i have no pokestops in my area you have to think about rural players too, and last a lottery would be cool like for 10, 50 or 100 coins you could try and win either like candy pokeballs items what have you hope somone actually reads this and listens thx. Adding this in fix your gyms i have had my perfect iv genger with the best move set in a gym for 5 days now basically doing nothing since i just found out the cant collect more than 50 coins per day even though i thought thats what he would be collecting but nope its a 50 coin max per pokemon per day maybe you should have said that somewhere and maybe you should make something so i can get my pokemon back because hes in the middle of nowhere in an irs building and i dont know if he will ever come back i miss him niantic. But sadly niantic doesnt listen to their fans like blizzard does thats why blizzards fan base slowly rises and niantics slowly falls.

Love it just add one thing

I wish there was breeding and they could make different evolved

Forever lost

I like the app a lot but my biggest issue (excluding occasional crashes and such) is that I cant get my Pokémon out of the gym. I understand you dont want people farming for coins so easily but my snolax has been stuck in a gym for almost a week. Even if its after a few days you give us the option to return it or something like that but people keep berrying my snorlax at a gym that hardly anyone goes to apparently. Thats my biggest problem thus far but like I said otherwise love the game but I wish I had a way to get Pokémon back from the gym other than having to rely on someone to knock it out


Everytime I try to open it, it crashes. I tried to delete it and redownload it but it didnt work. Please fix

Pokémon go is so cool

The hack is helpful for disabled and hospital people

it was a good game until it did this

i was playing pokémon go and i was at a gym but it logged me randomly out of the game so i tried to sign in again but it wouldnt work i tried everything to play pokémon go even if it was on a different account

Love the game, app needs work

Since the most recent update with gym battles and raids, I have been drawn into playing even more. However, I am getting frustrated with the bugs. After I take over a gym with friends, only 1 of us is able to leave a Pokémon in the gym. From the looks of it, a lot of people are having this problem. Another problem I recently started having is my avatar doesnt travel with me but stays in one spot. As you can imagine, this is extremely frustrating as I cant hatch eggs or get candy for my buddy. Please fix!!


This game is the best game ever! I have never wanted to play a game more than this one!


Great game, but has some bugs... Its not enough to stop playing anymore, just minor inconveniences... Either way, its a great game, and Id really like to see it have its comeback ?

BUGS and more bugs

Just bad gym system and always gives me errors. Tried to catch a tyranitar but couldnt because it kept giving me errors

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