I think this a very great and fun game but with the new raid update I was very excited. Me and 3 others players went to a gym with a very rare raid there. At first I tried to play with only a few of us but we could not defeat it. Then we tried again with even more players that joined us. We finally defeated it and we were all excited to catch it. We all went to catch it but only 2 of the 9 of us got it?I was not one of them to catch it. I fell like it is very unfair that we only get very little pokeballs to catch it and not everyone gets to catch it after all of us had a part in the battle. I would like if In The new update that you can use your own pokeballs to catch a raid and to have a better chance of catching it thanks!
sydney lucotti about Pokémon GO, v1.37.2